Did you know?

Did you know..?
...I was shit scared of electricity when I was a kid. Whenever I hade to plug something in or out I got really nervous and I was sooo careful to NOT touch the "silver", only the plastic part. Like it would be very easy to get a shock haha. Such a little chicken...

At the Ivory with my sweeties Martina and Paola

And speaking of chickens I think it's time for this little one to go to bes ASAP. Long and important day tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to the evening. Going for dinner with Penya Barcelonista de Suecia to watch the Champions game. But before that I have some serious business to attend to...

Hasta mañana chicos y chicas!

Postat av: Carolina [fotograf]

It's a deal. Vi golvar henne, låser in henne på toan, jag snor hennes badge och sen jobbar vi där resten av veckan haha :) Och så tar vi tre drinkar!

2010-02-22 @ 22:31:53
URL: http://caroflina.blogg.se/
Postat av: I

Hasta manana! :)

2010-02-23 @ 04:35:51
Postat av: simone

Så snyggt :) Vad gör du för mysigt ikväll?

2010-02-23 @ 21:10:24
URL: http://fattybom.blogg.se/

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