Compliments from a Brazilian super model
"Lindaaaaaa" (which means beautiful in spanish) commented on this picture from THIS gorgeous lady, miss Mello. That my friend is one pretty girl and I had the privilege to meet her last year at the Copa Telmex like I told you yesterday. Just as crazy as me and ten times more beautiful.
Maan I miss those days.
hoppas du har en finfin kväll!
As I noticed in Sweden... there is some kind of phenomenon going on that we (my friend John and I) like to call: The Cactus syndrome. (tan tan taaaan dramatic-suspense music)
Let me explain: A cactus in the desert is just another cactus but a cactus in the city is even more beautiful than a flower... Swedes are so beautiful that while in the desert (Sweden) they feel just as another girl in the group (You have no idea how many times I heard the same phrase: "My friend is more beautiful than me...") what swedes don't recognize is that they are all flowers and unfortunately only when the go to the city (outside of Sweden) they notice that they are queens!
My only question is what happens with the flower's admirers who come to Sweden to see the beauty and find this not-funny syndrome? I guess we just need to speak out! My point here "linda" is that your friend looks really pretty but you maybe have no idea how gorgeous you are.
This are my .20 kr :)
"El Mariachi!" hahahahaha
Åh tack så mycket :)
Fyfan vilken snygg bild föresten!