Stupid Posten
Bah... So tired of Posten right now. First of all my stupid order came one day late. Thank God I ordered 2 days too early, otherwise he'd get his present next week. But don't think that I have the package yet, no no... Since I wrote my dads name (since HE is the birthday kid) I need his ID to get the thing out. Nice surprise now huh.
"Daddy I need your ID"
"What for"?
"Nah.. nothing special.."
Pfff... Well well, I'll just have to get it later on and somehow I got a bag filled with candy with me. How did that happen?! No idea but I'll eat it up quickly before someone takes it from me.
"Daddy I need your ID"
"What for"?
"Nah.. nothing special.."
Pfff... Well well, I'll just have to get it later on and somehow I got a bag filled with candy with me. How did that happen?! No idea but I'll eat it up quickly before someone takes it from me.
Postat av: Malin
SV: Ja speciellt om man har två katter som inte gör annat än att skapa dessa dammråttor ><
Postat av: Jessicas little closet
träning.. sjd?
Postat av: minna suominen *
svar; va bra då! =) här är det också helt toppen. skönt med hhelg? =)
Postat av: Anonym
varsegod:) hah ja gör det;) skriv gärna vad du tyckte om den oxå då!:) kram
Postat av: Sandra
(Svar): Ja, dom är snygga ;)
Jobbigt! Å godis! Vill också ha, men jag ska äta ikväll :P´