Tired but focused

Just woke up from an awesome dream. I can really feel Davis Cup coming closer now, or maybe it just had to do with some random comment Feli made yesterday about some "picker"? No idea but the dream was nice and I could have stayed longer in it if it wasn't for my driving class today. Have to focus a 100 % today.

Yesterday I was off shooting all afternoon and when I came home I was exhausted and Blogg.se didn't work so I couldn't write you. Everything went just fine and I got a new reader to my blog, everybody say hi to Ivan from Mexico! "Hola Ivan". He's a photographer aswell and ladies if you feel like taking some pics just let me know and I'll hook you up with this guy.

I just might post a picture later IF you behave nicely!

Postat av: Marcus Å

Nja, det är en vanlig vecka för min del. För dig då? :)

2010-02-16 @ 09:29:46
URL: http://slipsens.blogg.se/
Postat av: I

Thanks :)

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