Which room should I choose?
Today I had planned to sleep all day long BUT of course I woke up at 11 when someone rang the doorbell. It was a friend of my dads who came over with a present for his birthday tomorrow. Sweet of him but couldn't he have waited until like 2 instead? Well now that I'm once awake I will be freaking out over an sms that MUST come today. It also has to do with my present for my dad and if that message doesn't come.. well let's just say I'm screwed.
I've gotten two emails about rooms to rent. One is a few kms. from the city centre and I'd share it with a young couple and their baby of 8 months. Hmmm... Maybe not. The other one is better located, closer to the centre but a bit more expensive and compared with three girls.
AH! And now I got a third email. YESSS! My dream-room that I found yesterday. A small balcony, it looks clean, the kitchen looks pretty nice and the best: it's located 2 minutes from Las Ramblas. I love it and I want it. Happyface now!!
I've gotten two emails about rooms to rent. One is a few kms. from the city centre and I'd share it with a young couple and their baby of 8 months. Hmmm... Maybe not. The other one is better located, closer to the centre but a bit more expensive and compared with three girls.
AH! And now I got a third email. YESSS! My dream-room that I found yesterday. A small balcony, it looks clean, the kitchen looks pretty nice and the best: it's located 2 minutes from Las Ramblas. I love it and I want it. Happyface now!!
Postat av: aw - gotlandstöis ツ
Tack så mycket :)<3
Postat av: pimpXprincess
Svar: Uschdå :/ Inte kul att vakna på fel sida!
Postat av: Sandra
Tackar tackar! Det finns en info länk till höger där du kan läsa om varifrån jag fick den idén :)
Postat av: minna suominen *
hej, läget? =) kramkram!
Postat av: Tobias
har tränat och ska slappa resten av dagen :) trevlig helg!
Postat av: Mollymus - bloggar från Uppsala
Ellerhur! :D finns inget bättre xD
Postat av: Carolina
Sv: Haha, jag har skyllt på min förkylning i sex veckor nu och degat igen, no more!
Postat av: Cecilie - Bloggvärldens mest musikfyllda blogg
sv: Dsm snygging! :D
Postat av: Nadja
ja mums. =) Allt bra? =)
Postat av: joel
sv; vsg :) tack så mycket!
Postat av: joel
sv; vsg :) tack så mycket!
sv; tack så mycket, detsamma :)
Har veckan varit bra?
Hur mår du? :) ♥
Postat av: Magda
ja hihi de vill inte riktigt såt upp direkt..men ibland gör de det då han är skärpt.. ;) men så fort han typ slappna av så lägger de sig i kors..;) kramar