Heavy closet

MY BACK!!! Pffff... It's killing me. The closet is heavy, believe me. Just to carry it from the car into the house with help from my dad made me completely exhausted. While I made the dinner daddy started putting it together and he's still not finished. But we're done for today and now I'm just gonna relax and tomorrow I don't have any driving to do.

Oh likey likey, I do it like a truck!

Postat av: Linn-Lay

hehe det är en thailänsk kändis :D

2010-01-24 @ 20:11:06
URL: http://linnlay.blogg.se/
Postat av: Josephine

sv: jaha då förstår jag :) hur kan du ha så mkt olika vänner från olika länder ? :D

2010-01-24 @ 20:32:46
URL: http://stjupid.blogg.se/

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