I ♥ Alex Ubago
I'm in my bed, tired as hell. Think I'm gonna try to sleep a bit earlier today. Out of my speakers comes the beautiful voice of my favourite spanish singer, Alex Ubago. Please listen to this even if you don't understan spanish. It's an amazing and very sad song called Temblando ("trembling").
Ain't that beautiful? This one's called Mil Horas ("a thousand hours").
I just can't get your image out of my head.
That curly hair and those strong arms.
How you sound when you sleep.
How you sound when you're everything but asleep.
The frustration. The passion.
The way I feel when I'm close to you,
as a spectator or as the centre of attention.
I don't regret one moment but I wish I'd never met you.
Postat av: Madicken
Tack, ah jag heter madicken ;)